Conducting controlling signs

ConDiS allows the conductor to control three main functions. The level of the out coming computer generated sound, the spatial location of the sound (pan) and the amount of effect added to the sound. To trigger these functions I have decided to use sign language, an OK sign for activate Volume control, Little-finger up for activating Effect control, an Thumb-up for Pan and closed hand for all control off.


Conducting gestures

This week I will be focusing on conducting gestures and signs. In my opinion it is important to make the additional conducting gestures for the computer control somewhat “natural” and simple. Therefore I have decided that for control of “levels” such as Volume and Effect the conductor should raise or lower her/his arm for increased or decreased levels. When it comes to panning or how the conductor should be able to steer spacial location of the sound, the answer is not so obvious. First I tried to have the conductor raise her/his arm into the air and then move it into circles. That turned out to be a bit “cowboy” like gesture and therefore disturbing and not fitting  my artistic goal of “natural” gesture. Next I tried to have the conductor holding arm straight out and then move hand in halv circle (whole circle not physically possible). It was a bit more natural but still did not feel totally right. Now I will be working on a solution that a the moment seems to be close to what I am aiming for and that is to have the conductor moving the elbow in circular movement. When trying it out (not yet with sound responding) it gives the right natural feeling and also the possibility to move hand in diagonal direction as well as circle.


Word from the artistic researcher:

This is a blog page dedicated to the ConDiS project (Conducting Digital Systems) that is a part of the Norwegian Artistic Research Program (

From here I will be posting my thoughts and ideas developing an interactive digital system for conductors conducting acoustic instruments as well as real time computer generated soundscapes of the same instruments.

Please feel free to respond.