03.10.17. Had a skype meeting with Halldis Rønning the conductor of Kuuki no Sukima. We had a very good meeting talking through the score with me explaining the ConDiS system and how she would be able to conduct the electronics. Although I surely would have started my work with Halldis a year earlier the positive perspective is that this collaboration was much closer to musical reality. Actually a lot better because usually, the time for cooperation is much shorter. During that meeting, I started to realize that from the beginning I had been on a slightly wrong track. My expectations of having the conductor “grabbing” the sound throw it into the air and making live sonic modulations were not real. Although possible as I had proved, it was not the job of the conductor to do all the things. Therefore after the skype meeting with Halldis, I went back to the drawing board and throw out both the Pan control and Fx control units of the interface.
05.10.17. Buttons for ConGlove.
Start/stop = 1. click
Start from beginning = 2 click
Jump forward and play
Press fast few times to jump back to the beginning
Problem: If I press button 3 to stop then it stops. Then I press button 4 to jump to next and continue play => next time when press button 3 I have to double-click to stop playing since the last message to button 3 was a stop message. Therefore I have to:
continue from 05.11.17. Bought a RME soundcard and pre amp. FF800 + OctaMic. Used but hopefully usable. Have to start deciding the setup, mics. etc. Draw a blueprint and ask Trond for assistance.
- Do I need 2 x microphones for each instrument?
- What if using clip-on mics.
- Ask Trine + Rick about instr. mics.
- Ask others.