November 2014
Testing various types of sensors:
Hot Hand sensor, a ring-shaped USB Wireless MIFI Controller, did some useful MIDI controlling for on and off message and volume control. Seems to be a bit too simple for my purpose. Might turn back to it later in my research.
Leap Motion Controller – although very promising technology it seems to have to narrow range for my project. Also, very hard to handle the information precisely since it seems to be a bit too unstable for my use.
Myo Gesture Control Armband – was seriously looking at buying one but decided not after reading online reports. It seems to have a too finicky response and limited gesture control.
x-io Technologies (x-OSC) – Choose this sensor for my first prototype of ConDiS cause of the WiFi function over OSC (Open Sound Control) a protocol for networking computers for multimedia performance. It is a wireless I/O board that gives me access to 32 analog/digital channels and onboard sensors (gyroscope, accelerometer, magnetometer).