02.03. Optitrack -> 10 – 15.30. Work with CHW to set up the Optitrack system. Some problems not solved. How do we estimate extra dots? Using 25 dots but calculated 30-40. Need to get at least one video shot from this experiment. Need to get my own camera. MAX/MSP – have to finish patches for recording and playing.
Recorder – Player – Audio Chooser.
what is interactive live performance? three levels of research.
- Technical matters – a) what software/hardware to use b) look at other peoples work => System
- The conductor. Rule of the conductor the score/new graphics implements => Hardware/instrument
- The sound/sound process. The performance.
Delay – Reverb – Filters – Granulator – Feedback
The effect to control dry/wet or reverb length, filter sweep, number of granulation, amount of feedback.
03.03. Max/MSP. Worked a lot on my patch. Made an Audio Selector and Effect Selector.
04.03. Meeting with Øystein => Role of the conductor v.s. Role of the performer
The performer gets material usually in the form of score or part. There he has indications on which notes he/she should play, how loud and in what tempo. => The computer has to have something similar.
I have to make a timeline based on a program that reads through the score. The conductor has the score of all the parts that the players are reading (computer included). The conductor’s role is then to follow the score and make sure that others follow as well.
Done making note~ program for sending control messages through the timeline. Working on Gesture recognition via HHMM – imubu.
How can I get rid of SPIKES?
20.03. Detect beat V = Sn1 – Sn0. Gesture detection. Change of sign is better.
06.06. Finally managed to do the bpatcher properly. Important to make the whole patch -> open in a presentation.
Done with Recorder, Sound Chooser. Have to build an effect chooser and sensor chooser.
Presentation at Artistic Research Spring Forum, March 17-18.
the following picture shows a calculation of a rotation of the first prototype “the ConDiS baton”.
First months of ConDiS went to calculate and find out the reaction of the xio-OSC wifi sensor in accordance with various rotations around x, y, z-axis.