January 7. Figuring out the Accel. Gyro. and Magnet. meters of the x-osc sensor. Figuring out if possible to use these 3 different measures to use the 3 individual information (X,Y,Z) from each of them. Finding out how to use learn to trigger functions.
Circle movement – trigger surround
4/4 counting – trigger tempo
up/down motion – trigger volume
What musical signs do we use for dreading score i.e. notation?
note to myself: Make an on/off switch – find out about Video cameras (Kinect)
January 9th. Check out the Video camera.
Go through letter from PKU and do PPT for Asker Forum.
Compose 2-minute piece based on Volume control
Record my voice doing Haiku, use my recording program? from Hljods or Circler
Presentation at Artistic Research Seminar 2, Januar 12-13.
14. Januar. Back from Asker
Fix the Baton, Do analyses papers. Set up meeting with Øyvind and start to write to Wayne and Mikael.
What went wrong in my presentation – it was too long. Too many things to cover. Have to learn how to explain in short phrases (poster) videos and pictures.
Make it a performance perhaps have an ongoing video while preparing.
15. januar. Three main topics:
Why? My background, my artistic needs, new field for musical expressions
The conductor: read books about conducting and the conductors role.
The composition: Conventional notation, graphic notation etc.